

A Hunger So Wide and So Deep: American Women Speak Out on Eating Problems

A Hunger So Wide and So Deep: American Women Speak Out on Eating Problems作者: Becky W. Thompson出版社/メーカー: Univ of Minnesota Pr発売日: 1996/07メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る 7月7日にマーケットプレイスで注…

Erich Goode

Erich Goode(Wikipedia) Erich Goode is an American sociologist. Goode specializes in the sociology of deviance. He has written a number of books on the field of deviance in general, as well as on specific deviant topics.Erich Goode receiv…


OAでの過食症についての論文。Overeaters Anonymous(OA)は脅迫的過食者(Compulsive overeaters)のための自助グループだが、その中には一定数の過食症者(Bulimic)が含まれる*1。 Malenbaum, Roxanne; Herzog, David; Eisenthal, Sherman; Wyshak, Gra…