

OAでの過食症についての論文。Overeaters Anonymous(OA)は脅迫的過食者(Compulsive overeaters)のための自助グループだが、その中には一定数の過食症者(Bulimic)が含まれる*1

Malenbaum, Roxanne; Herzog, David; Eisenthal, Sherman; Wyshak, Grace,
Overeaters Anonymous: Impact on Bulimia. 
International Journal of Eating Disorders,
Jan88, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p139-143.


Twenty-five (62.5%) became regular members immediately, and 11(27.5%) dropped out once or twice before becoming regular members. The reason cited among over half the people who previously dropped out (20% of total respondents) was that they were unable to maintain complete abstinence.


Of the 17 who became abstinent on the first day, 14 (35%) maintained abstinence throughout. Of the 9 who became abstinent within 1 month, 7 (17.5%) maintained abstinence throughout. Thus, over half of the respondents (52.5%) became abstinent within the first month and maintained it without exception.


Thirty-nine (97.5%) agreed with the statement, "Until a person deals with her eating behavior she cannot deal with her psychological problems." Conversely, 37 (92.5%) disagreed with die statement, "Until a person deals with her psychological problems she cannot deal with her eating behavior."


It appears that abstinence is the crucial achievement before most members feel confident that compulsive eating will not recur.


Although other programs initially advocate well structured and planned meals with certain food restrictions, unlike OA they recommend slow addition of binge eliciting foods, not complete elimination.


*1:The Efficacy of Overeaters Anonymous in Fostering Abstinence in Binge-Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa.By Kriz, Kerri-Lynn Murphy(PDF) によるとOAの15%が過食症者だという。これはワシントン州メトロポリタンのOAでの数字。拒食症者はOAでは珍しく全体の1%