


Theories of Deviance

Theories of Deviance

THEORIES OF DEVIANCE exposes students to theoretical foundation statements from diverse sociological perspectives.
The selections represent the mainstream approaches in the sociology of deviance, as well as more recent approaches.


逸脱と医療化―悪から病いへ (MINERVA社会学叢書)

逸脱と医療化―悪から病いへ (MINERVA社会学叢書)


Deviant Behavior (7th Edition)

Deviant Behavior (7th Edition)


The seventh edition features significant new coverage of current topics, including: recent developments in anomie-strain theory (Chapter 2), stalking, hate-motivated violence, genocide, the September 11, 2001 attacks, and the war on terrorism (Chapter 4), male rape inside and outside the prison, and pedophile priests (Chapter 5), the illegal drug Ecstasy, and the abuse of prescription drugs, particularly OxyContin (Chapter 11).

自分に関係しそうなのは第2章のRobert Agnewのstrain theoryか。あとは関係ない。多分。


Deviant Behavior (7th Edition)

Deviant Behavior (7th Edition)


The author seeks to understand deviance from the major sociological perspectives and theories of deviance by providing a comprehensive, balanced examination of the conceptual foundation of the sociology of deviance.

1. Introduction.
2. What Is Deviance?
3. Social Control, Crime, and Social Problems.
4. Explaining Deviant Behavior: Causal Theories.
5. Condemnation and Punishment: Perspectives on Rules and Their Enforcement.
6. Drug Use as Deviant Behavior.
7. Alcohol Use and Alcoholism.
8. Heterosexual Deviance.
9. Male and Female Homosexuality.
10. Violent Behavior.
11. Property Crime.
12. White Collar and Corporate Crime.
13. Mental Illness.
14. Ideological, Ethical, and Moral Implications of Studying Deviance.

Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research (5th Edition)

Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research (5th Edition)

This collection of classic and contemporary readings in social deviance provides a balanced overview of theories, concepts and research related to the topic.


Deviance and Social Control: A Reader

Deviance and Social Control: A Reader

Deviance and Social Control provides readers with a selection of articles that examine core issues in the field of deviant behavior and social control.


Youth Deviance in Japan: Class Reproduction of Non-Conformity (Japanese Society Series)

Youth Deviance in Japan: Class Reproduction of Non-Conformity (Japanese Society Series)


Based on fieldwork spanning two decades, this book presents a rare longitudinal study of deviance and crime among youths in Kanagawa-ken, with a focus upon two groups of young people - a working class group and a middle-class group. The author, a long-term resident in Japan, has managed to keep in touch with his subjects for twenty years and offers vivid descriptions of nonconformity among Japanese youngsters and an in-depth analysis of the way in which youth deviance is reproduced along class lines.


Deviance: The Interactionist Perspective (9th Edition)

Deviance: The Interactionist Perspective (9th Edition)

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Constructions Of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction

Constructions Of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction

Images of Deviance and Social Control

Images of Deviance and Social Control

it spans the concerns of a variety of disciplines (criminology/CJ, anthropology, religion, psychology, medicine, political science)


Deviance: Career of a Concept

Deviance: Career of a Concept

Joel Best, explores the history of the study of deviance
