こちらのTable 8.5の例を解説する。コードはリンク先のinpファイルを参照のこと。
analysis: estimator = ml; link = logit; bootstrap = 10000; model: ciguse on intent (beta1) tx (beta2); intent on tx (gamma); model indirect: ciguse IND intent tx; model constraint: new(indirect direct); indirect = exp(beta1*gamma); direct = exp(beta2);
link = logit;
ciguse on intent (beta1) tx (beta2); intent on tx (gamma);
model constraint:
new(indirect direct)
indirect = exp(beta1*gamma);
direct = exp(beta2);
CONFIDENCE INTERVALS OF MODEL RESULTS Lower .5% Lower 2.5% Lower 5% Estimate Upper 5% Upper 2.5% Upper .5% CIGUSE ON INTENT 0.810 0.864 0.892 1.038 1.205 1.238 1.305 TX -0.903 -0.781 -0.715 -0.377 -0.044 0.019 0.145 INTENT ON TX -0.327 -0.285 -0.266 -0.164 -0.065 -0.045 -0.009 Intercepts INTENT 1.426 1.455 1.470 1.550 1.633 1.649 1.683 Thresholds CIGUSE$1 3.056 3.056 3.056 3.056 3.056 3.056 3.056 Residual Variances INTENT 0.634 0.668 0.684 0.776 0.864 0.883 0.918 New/Additional Parameters INDIRECT 0.703 0.737 0.754 0.843 0.936 0.954 0.990 DIRECT 0.405 0.458 0.489 0.686 0.957 1.020 1.156 CONFIDENCE INTERVALS OF TOTAL, TOTAL INDIRECT, SPECIFIC INDIRECT, AND DIRECT EFFECTS FOR LATENT RESPONSE VARIABLES Lower .5% Lower 2.5% Lower 5% Estimate Upper 5% Upper 2.5% Upper .5% Effects from TX to CIGUSE Indirect -0.353 -0.306 -0.282 -0.171 -0.067 -0.047 -0.010 Direct effect -0.903 -0.781 -0.715 -0.377 -0.044 0.019 0.145 CONFIDENCE INTERVALS OF TOTAL, INDIRECT, AND DIRECT EFFECTS BASED ON COUNTERFACTUALS (CAUSALLY-DEFINED EFFECTS) Lower .5% Lower 2.5% Lower 5% Estimate Upper 5% Upper 2.5% Upper .5% Effects from TX to CIGUSE Tot natural IE -0.044 -0.038 -0.035 -0.021 -0.008 -0.006 -0.001 Pure natural DE -0.126 -0.109 -0.100 -0.053 -0.006 0.003 0.021 Total effect -0.149 -0.132 -0.121 -0.073 -0.026 -0.017 0.001 Odds ratios for binary Y Tot natural IE 0.733 0.764 0.779 0.858 0.942 0.959 0.991 Pure natural DE 0.449 0.501 0.532 0.716 0.962 1.018 1.137 Total effect 0.374 0.422 0.448 0.614 0.840 0.893 1.008 Other effects Pure natural IE -0.053 -0.045 -0.042 -0.025 -0.010 -0.007 -0.001 Tot natural DE -0.116 -0.100 -0.091 -0.048 -0.005 0.002 0.019 Total effect -0.149 -0.132 -0.121 -0.073 -0.026 -0.017 0.001 Odds ratios for other effects for binary Y Pure natural IE 0.737 0.768 0.782 0.860 0.943 0.960 0.991 Tot natural DE 0.446 0.499 0.530 0.714 0.961 1.018 1.137 Total effect 0.374 0.422 0.448 0.614 0.840 0.893 1.008