

Renee Monson(2005). The Politics of Child Support in America. By Jocelyn Elise Crowley.
 American Journal of Sociology, 111 No.3 918-9.

The Politics of Child Support in America

The Politics of Child Support in America

Jocelyn Elise CrowleyのThe Politics of Child Support in Americaの書評。

Crowley argues that policy entrepreneurs are "rent seekers," motivated by the material or psychological benefits resulting from their (temporary) protection from competition in a policy realm once the state adopts their preferred policy. Policy entrepreneurs confront two main tasks in this rent-seeking process: minimizing the risks of entering a policy arena and gaining advantages over (or "shaking out") incumbent policy entrepreneurs. Crowley argues that successful policy entrepreneurs engage in cooperative rather than individualized risk-reduction strategies (e.g., relying on professional or grassroots rganizations rather than on the skills or vision of individuals) and engage in shakeout strategies that are perceived as legitimate rather than illegitimate by the general public.

Crowleyはレントシーカー(rent seekers)という概念を使って、アメリカの子どものサポート政策の決定要因を整理している。


