臨床家が子どもの登校拒否行動 school refusal behavior の主要な機能を特定するために考案された尺度である不登校アセスメント尺度改訂版(SRAS-R)の改訂版を検討した。SRAS-Rの原版は、心理測定学的な質を向上させ、機能モデルの発展に従って尺度を調整するために変更された。SRAS-Rのテストレテスト信頼性、評価者間信頼性、構成概念妥当性、同時検証を行うため、学校拒否行動をとる青少年の2サンプルと、両親、教師が評価された。その結果、本尺度は良好な心理測定学的強度を有することが明らかとなった。これらの知見は、この集団に対応する臨床家にとって重要な意味を持つ。
登校拒否行動 school refusal behavior とは、子どもの意思で登校を拒否したり、丸一日授業に参加することが困難な状態を指す。の行動には、完全にまたは部分的に学校を欠席する青少年、朝のひどい不行跡の後に学校に行かなくなる青少年、将来の不登校の嘆願を促すような大きな強制の下で学校に通う青少年が含まれる(Kearney & Silverman, 1996)。この行動は一般的で、一度に青少年の5〜28%が影響を受け、一般に少年少女に等しく見られる(Kearney, 2001)。
学校恐怖症 school phobia、無断欠席 truancy、登校拒否 school refusal といった用語は、不登校を抱える青少年の一部しかカバーしていない。
SRASの有用性にもかかわらず、いくつかの要因から尺度を改訂する必要に迫られた。第一に、各機能状態に充てられる項目が4つしかないため、得点の範囲や臨床家が得られる情報のレベルが制限されることである。第二に、当初の項目がすべて有意な信頼性を示すわけではなく、尺度の安定性がすべての状況で維持されるとは限らないことである(Daleiden et al.1999)。第三に、尺度の基礎となった機能モデルが多少変更されたことである。具体的には、最初の機能条件は、当初はより狭く考えられており、特定の恐怖心を誘発する刺激を避けるために学校を拒否する若者を指していた。しかし、時が経つにつれて、これらの若者は一般的に学校恐怖症である特定の側面を特定しないことが明らかになった (Kearney, Eisen, & Silverman, 1995)。その代わりに、第一機能条件の子どもたちは、否定的感情(すなわち、不安、抑うつ、身体的愁訴の複合)の漠然とした症状や学校を避けたいという願望をより頻繁に報告するのである。このような変化を考慮し、SRASの心理測定特性を向上させるためには、SRASの改訂が必要である。
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Children-Child and Parent Versions (ADIS-C/P; Silverman & Albano, 1996) を子供と親に実施
Fear Survey Schedule for Children-Revised (FSSC-R)。FSSC-R (Ollendick, 1983)3) は、一般的な恐怖心の80項目からなる尺度である。
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale(RCMAS)。RCMAS (Reynolds & Richmond, 1978) は、不安の生理的および認知的症状を評価するために設計された37項目からなるイエス・ノー式の尺度である。
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC)(STAIC)。STAIC (Spielberger, 1973) は、状況に基づく不安と性格的不安を測定する40項目からなる尺度である。
Social Anxiety Scale for Children-Revised (SASC-R)。SASC-R (La Greca & Stone, 1993) は22項目の社会不安の測定法で、否定的評価の恐怖、広範な社会回避と苦痛、新しい状況や不慣れな仲間との社会回避と苦痛に関する特定の下位尺度がある。
児童抑うつ尺度(Children's Depression Inventory:CDI)。CDI (Kovacs, 1992) は、最近の抑うつ症状を27項目で測定するもので、これは一般に登校拒否行動と併存する(Kearney, 1993)。
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)。子どもの行動に関する保護者の評価は、CBCL(Achenbach, 1991a). 片方の親がいる場合、CBCLはその親が記入した。両親が共にいる場合は、CBCLは共同で記入された。 Teacher’s Report Form (TRF).教師による子どもの行動の評価は、CBCLに類似した測定法である教師用報告用紙(TRF; Achenbach, 1991b)を用いて行われた。
子供とその親(母親または父親)は、学校拒否評価尺度の子供版(SRAS-C)と親版(SRAS-P)をそれぞれ記入した(Kearney & Silverman, 1993)。
その結果、3つの主要な構成要素が同定され、最初の構成要素は、最初に仮定された2つの機能の側面を組み合わせたものであった。その結果,陰性強化negative reinforcement,注意喚起強化attention-seeking,有形強化tangible reinforcement の3つの構成要素が明らかになった。
親と教師のデータ(表 V 参照)については、唯一の有意差は CBCL 外在化 T スコアで、予想通り、有形強化群で有意に高かった。さらに、他の親や教師の尺度のスコアも、統計的には有意ではないものの、おおむね予想された方向であった。例えば、内面化のスコアは負の強化条件下で一般に高く、CBCLの注意追求の項目は注意追求群でやや高かった。
この分析で顕著だったのは、因子分析において負の強化機能(一般的な負の感情を引き起こす刺激の回避と、嫌悪的な社会的/評価的状況からの逃避)が組み合わされていたことであった。この結果は、SRASで行われた同様の予備的分析(Kearney & Tillotson, 1998)を反映しており、この改訂でもやはり2つの負の再強化機能は分離されなかった。
School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised Items
Child version items
- How often do you have bad feelings about going to school because you are afraid of something related to school (e.g., tests, school bus, teacher, fire alarm)? (1)
- How often do you stay away from school because it is hard to speak with the other kids at school? (2)
- How often do you feel you would rather be with your parents than go to school? (3)
- When you are not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how often do you leave the house and do something fun? (4)
- How often do you stay away from school because you will feel sad or depressed if you go? (1)
- How often do you stay away from school because you feel embarrassed in front of other people at school? (2)
- How often do you think about your parents or family when in school? (3)
- When you are not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how often do you talk to or see other people (other than your family)? (4)
- How often do you feel worse at school (e.g., scared, nervous, sad) compared to how you feel at home with friends? (1)
- How often do you stay away from school because you do not have many friends there? (2)
- How much would you rather be with your family than go to school? (3)
- When you are not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how much do you enjoy doing different things (e.g., being with friends, going places)? (4)
- How often do you have bad feelings about school (e.g., scared, nervous, sad) when you think about school on Saturday and Sunday? (1)
- How often do you stay away from places in school (e.g., hallways, places where certain groups of people are) where you would have to talk to someone? (2)
- How much would you rather be taught by your parents at home than by your teacher at school? (3)
- How often do you refuse to go to school because you want to have fun outside of school? (4)
- If you had less bad feelings (e.g., scared, nervous, sad) about school, would it be easier for you to go to school? (1)
- If it were easier for you to make new friends, would it be easier for you to go to school? (2)
- Would it be easier for you to go to school if your parents went with you? (3)
- Would it be easier for you to go to school if you could do more things you like to do after school hours (e.g., being with friends)? (4)
- How much more do you have bad feelings about school (e.g., scared, nervous, sad) compared to other kids your age? (1)
- How often do you stay away from people in school compared to other kids your age? (2)
- Would you like to be home with your parents more than other kids your age would? (3)
- Would you rather be doing fun things outside of school more than most kids your age? (4) Parent version items
- How often does your child have bad feelings about going to school because he/she is afraid of something related to school (e.g., tests, school bus, teacher, fire alarm)? (1)
- How often does your child stay away from school because it is hard for him/her to speak with the other kids at school? (2)
- How often does your child feel he/she would rather be with you or your spouse than go to school? (3)
- When your child is not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how often does he/she leave the house and do something fun? (4)
- How often does your child stay away from school because he/she will feel sad or depressed if he/she goes? (1)
- How often does your child stay away from school because he/she feels embarrassed in front of other people at school? (2)
- How often does your child think about you or your spouse or family when in school? (3)
- When your child is not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how often does he/she talk to or see other people (other than his/her family)? (4)
- How often does your child feel worse at school (e.g., scared, nervous, sad) compared to how he/she feels at home with friends? (1)
- How often does your child stay away from school because he/she does not have many friends there? (2)
- How much would your child rather be with his/her family than go to school? (3)
- When your child is not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how much does he/she enjoy doing different things (e.g., being with friends, going places)? (4)
- How often does your child have bad feelings about school (e.g., scared, nervous, sad) when he/she thinks about school on Saturday and Sunday? (1)
- How often does your child stay away from places in school (e.g., hallways, places where certain groups of people are) where he/she would have to talk to someone? (2)
- How much would your child rather be taught by you or your spouse at home than by his/her teacher at school? (3)
- How often does your child refuse to go to school because he/she wants to have fun outside of school? (4)
- If your child had less bad feelings (e.g., scared, nervous, sad) about school, would it be easier for him/her to go to school? (1)
- If it were easier for your child to make new friends, would it be easier for him/her to go to school? (2)
- Would it be easier for your child to go to school if you or your spouse went with him/her? (3)
- Would it be easier for your child to go to school if he/she could do more things he/she likes to do after school hours (e.g., being with friends)? (4)
- How much more does your child have bad feelings about school (e.g., scared, nervous, sad) compared to other kids his/her age? (1)
- How often does your child stay away from people in school compared to other kids his/her age? (2)
- Would your child like to be home with you or your spouse more than other kids his/her age would? (3)
- Would your child rather be doing fun things outside of school more than most kids his/her age? (4)
Note. 1 = avoidance of stimuli that provoke negative affectivity sub- scale item; 2 = escape from aversive social and/or evaluative situations subscale item; 3 = pursuit of attention subscale item; 4 = pursuit of tangible reinforcement subscale item.